Ny Eakin

Avoid This Kind of Person
When going into a relationship, it is normal and ideal to have a picture of the kind of person you want to be with. but, also, there is a certain kind of person you really should avoid. Do not push or...
I Would Let You Go
Dearest, If I realize that I am just not right for you, I’m letting you go. Am I Wasting your time? Yes?Then I would let you go. You don’t feel like continuing with me? Okay, I am letting...
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The Truth About Your Spec (Type)
When a person who is not your “spec” or “type” finds their way into your space, and is always emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially available for you; you’ll...
Ghosting - Is it Right at All?
On a normal day, ghosting is childish and wrong.Ghosting is not gender-specific, it is done by both men and women ghost. But is it right to ghost? No and yes.No (initially/normally) and yes (eventually/).No...
Are you for real?
Women: “If you like, give him taekwondo sex style, he will still leave/cheat (on you).” Men: “Even if you buy/give her the whole world, she will still leave you.”Are you for real? Those...
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Maybe You Are The Problem
Sometimes we don’t tell ourselves the bitter truth, at times we are the problem in our relationship. So? When you realize this, kindly have that conversation and end the relationship as soon...
The Difference Between Romantic Relationship and Sexual Relationship
Is Romantic Relationship advisable for Christians? First of all, understand the meaning of “romantic”. Romantic and sexual are two different things, please check them out. Romantic is...
If ghosting is how you breakup with an ex, you are wrong! If you are breaking up with someone, please remember that communication starts, sustains, and also should be used to end a relationship. It...
8 Main Reasons Why People Cheat in a Relationship.
Contrary to some flawed popular belief, no gender is polygamous in nature, and no gender was programmed to cheat; it is an individual shortcoming. You should know that some people would never cheat, no...
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