Ny Eakin

Theses are not rules, they are reminders…
You will probably add more to the list. But, please, always remember these:

* If you are directed to sit on a particular seat by the ushers, please respect yourself and their office. Don’t imagine their ages, we know you have their type at home, but at that point, just obey.

Don’t Begin service with disobedience.

* The fact that I go to church with Bible app on my iPad or phone doesn’t make the person with a hardcopy of the Bible holier.

They are both 100% effective.

Times are changing; the WORD used to be on stones, then on scrolls.

* To the ushers in particular, if an adult is using his/her phone in church, as long as he/she is not disturbing or distracting anybody, and most times, you don’t even know what the person is doing with it; please, don’t embarrass him/her. Let them be.

Maybe it is business or emergency.

Who knows?

I am not saying there should not be corrections or adherence to rules in church; but let it not be assumed and concluded that phones are just sources of distraction in church, that is wrong!

As for those who use their phones and iPads in church, please try not to be a distraction/disturbance. You have sense, use it.

The point is, train kids well to know that they need to be attentive and coordinated in church/service, so they would be “well-behaved” in church when they get older, even when using gadgets.

This Kingdom race is personal, people should know the right thing to do, and the right time.

* During praise and worship, don’t force anyone to stand up; you don’t know how they feel or what they are experiencing at the moment.

People should understand the essence of standing during praise/worship.

If you are leading, gently remind them to be on their feet, most people must certainly oblige.

Unless you are leading in your house, and you have kids, you are free to enforce it while explaining to them, in order to make them grow with that understanding.

* It is not by force to come to your church.

We are supposed to preach the same gospel and promote/represent the same Kingdom.

We shouldn’t be trying to compete with ourselves.

If you go for evangelism, and you meet someone worshipping with another denomination, encourage him/her to genuinely know God for real.

Don’t ask the person to leave his/her church for yours, it is wrong!

I had one funny and sad experience where some members of a particular fellowship stopped talking to me, because I told them I worship with another denomination, and would not be attending their fellowship again.

Some people too dey do.

* Be careful not to end up worshipping “men and women of God”.

They are here to encourage and help us in the way of the Lord, and also understand things more.

They are our spiritual leaders/heads, but they are not God.

Know their limits, and have boundaries.

* The fact that your pastor doesn’t like a thing doesn’t make it a sin, and he/she liking a thing doesn’t make it the best.

* Don’t leave your church because you feel people are annoying there, the truth is, everyone is annoying, in a way or another, knowingly or unknowingly.

Only leave when you are sure that they are clearly hindering your growth or making you sin.

If you are paid in millions every month end, I bet you would condone annoying colleagues.

* As a man, acknowledge and respect boundaries when relating with your Mommy/Mama in church or fellowship.

As a woman, do same when relating with your Daddy/Papa in church/fellowship.

These people are human beings too; don’t be an agent of darkness.

* The doctrines of your church are man-made, yes, it might have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, but most times, it is according to the founding fathers’ understanding of the scriptures.

So, calm down with the way you condemn other people’s doctrines and styles, it is the way they understand the gospel, too.

But my God is not a God of confusion, so a lot of things (in different denominations) are always similar, unless they are totally carnally inspired.

Environments and neighbourhoods where denominations started could also play a part in the way their styles are.

* Nobody’s testimony is unnecessary or irrelevant, every single thing is worth thanking God for.

Unless, they want to give the testimony at a time meant for another activity…then it can wait.

* Know the word for yourself, try to have a spiritual filter in you.

Don’t just take in everything you hear or read.

Pastors, men or women of God are human beings; sometimes, they may say what they understand/know, and that may not be completely right, it may only be contextually right.

Don’t misunderstand me, they are God-sent, they speak what they hear/receive from the Holy Spirit, but AT TIMES, they may say what they think is right, and this may not be always/very correct.

* Instrumentalists should be mindful of what they play in church.

You people should fear God nau.

* When you specifically asked to pray for for abcd, don’t go and do “I Too Know” by praying for abcd+efghijklm, etc.

Tah! Which spirit is directing you? A disobedient spirit, abi? Oya na, control it.

Follow instructions; our God is a God of order.

May the Holy Spirit help us to understand these things and more.


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