Ny Eakin

Know These About Communication

Let me quickly share these about communication:

1. If you are a person’s friend, let them know what is not “okay” about them (something they can change/work on).
If you are not able to talk about sensitive issues or have those difficult conversations with your friend (not acquaintance); you are not a true friend.

Be tactful and polite in conveying the message, but be totally truthful and sincere.

2. If you always have to remind a “friend” how to communicate with you, then they are not your friend.

If you are this person, then you are not a friend. It is that simple!

No hard feeling, but you have to let this “friend” be; let them go. It’s difficult to accept, but you’re not as important to them as you think.

You’re just not that person for them.

3. If you are poor at communicating, you’ll never have a healthy relationship.

If you can’t call, text, or express your feelings properly; learn it now!

You are not the calling type, yeah?

It means you are not ready for a real relationship.

Even if one person keeps on calling and texting, they’d get tired and leave for good.

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