Ny Eakin
I am Nyaknnoabasi Eakin (you can call me Ny) I am the owner of this relationship-based website. I am also the founder of TAYA, a global online platform where teenagers and young adults come together to learn, contribute, share, in order to become positive contributors and influencers of their respective fields and the world in general.
I am from Etinan, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria. I am a Petroleum Marketing Technologist, an author, a speaker, a relationship coach, and a friend of teenagers.
This website
Initially, this website was created because I love expressing myself through writing. But being a vocal person who loves sharing ideas with people, someone who wants others to know what is right and what is wrong, this site has become a platform for sharing my thoughts, my opinions and ideas, and also, facts about romantic relationships (mainly), life, morals, ethics, and spiritual health (controversial topics and necessary issues that should be addressed in Christianity).
I believe everybody can have a healthy relationship if they really want to and if they work towards it. So, this website is to reach as many people as possible, around the world, and teach them how to prepare themselves for, build, and have a healthy relationship. It may seem impossible or too difficult for so many people, but as far as there are people enjoying healthy relationships, you too can!